29 March 2010

The Tax Man Faileth… (nearly)

Pardon my momentary albeit continuing rant about my soon to be ex-accountant! It’s funny how now that we’ve established that my accountant has no interest in continuing to assist me in filing taxes in the US once living abroad, I’ve suddenly become – if not an outright persona non grata – then at the very least a priority lower than, say, a bit of gum on the bottom of a shoe?

For as long as I’ve been filing taxes – whether on my own or with the assistance of an accountant – I’ve always filed them early. (January or February – the minute I have my forms at the ready). I do this for a few reasons including but not limited to: 1) avoiding the last-minute rush for the April 15 deadline, long lines at the post office, etc. 2) My superstition that the longer one waits to file taxes the more likely they will be subject to audit. (I have nothing to hide – like to do things by the letter and move on). 3) Possibly irrational fear in the recent economy that if I’m not in the first wave to file – that the state will run out of money in years with a refund. (One recent year, as I understand it, folks in a certain state received an IOU!) 4) Selectively perfectionist tendencies (?)

Well, THIS year, though I met with my accountant early as usual, my taxes are STILL not ready for my signature and I was informed that they remain in a pile on the accountant’s desk. I’ve been promised they will be done by April 15 (which is legally required), but somehow this does not comfort the part of me that took the trouble to get it together promptly and early so that I can enjoy the luxury of not worrying. .

Perhaps this is why I never especially enjoyed group projects at University – when one’s grade depended in part on others holding up their end!


  1. Hmmmm, maybe you should have held off telling him you were moving!!! I don't like that kind of behaviour!!! He's a naughty man!!! Shame there's not a place to leave a review of his services!!!!

  2. I hate things like that, I like to get things done early just like you, what if something goes wrong, then everyone is rushing round trying to sort it out in time.

    Good luck

    Hugs RosieP x
