29 March 2010

On a more serious note…

As I continue what is proving to be a slow and painful recovery from my surgery, my thoughts are naturally directed to an issue on a lot of American minds... health care.

As I contemplate the enormous life change I am planning for and moving toward, I do devote considerable thought to the more mundane and legal aspects of it all.

Recent news of the new laws pertaining to Health Care in the USA have me wondering how this may affect Americans living abroad.

Regardless of one’s personal views pertaining to health care, I believe that the recently passed new law has left many Americans with questions and some uncertainty regarding where to seek definitive answers. I imagine as with any new policy that it will take time not only to implement (2014 apparently) but to become clear regarding the particulars .

My specific concern in thinking ahead to a life abroad is twofold:

1) Will Americans living abroad be exempt from the requirement to have US health insurance and exempt from penalties for not having it?
a) If non-exempt – would we have to pay as much premium considering we wouldn’t use it much if at all?
b) If exempt – would we have the option to purchase it if we desired? (My thinking here is of possible scenarios in which an expat seeks treatment for something in the US for whatever reason ).
2) Whichever way it is in actuality ~ Is this a good thing?

I have researched this a bit and have encountered conflicting information. I intend to continue my research but with the understanding that as the new law and enforcement thereof doesn’t take effect til 2014, I may or may not have swift answers.

At this time, I won’t use this forum to express my personal views regarding this administration or the new law, but will study it in a more detached fashion with an eye toward the very real effect this may or may not have on US ‘expats’.

To be continued…


  1. I sure that every bit of documentation you read will contradict each other and change weekly.............if England is anything to go by !!!

    Hope you're on the mend

    Hugs RosieP x

  2. I hope you will be better soon!! I wish I could help you - but I'm English and have no answers for you!!! Sorry!
