11 June 2015

Turning Point

After a five year journey of transition, integration, and ultimately settlement into UK life, I find I'm reaching a natural turning point.

I embarked upon this expat journey at 40, and the adjustment and changes have taken up so much of my energy and focus these past years, that I simply hadn't looked too far ahead.

Now I am here, in "mid" life, happily settled, and firmly "midstream". I may always exist somewhat in the "middle", embracing two cultures, two continents, arguably two languages (still having the occasional "lost in translation" moment). 

Where do I go from here? Hopefully headlong into life and making the most of my as yet undefined steps. I enjoy connecting with other expats and bloggers, and perhaps my experience so far can help another in some small way. 

As I move forward, I will continue to grow into my "midstream" mid-Atlantic life, and, fittingly, am renaming this blog to grow with me.

No longer "Home Off The Range", I am simply home.


  1. Congrats on your new citizenship in your new country. I understand how there is less and less to blog about after such a huge upheaval in your life. Sometimes, you just have to live the life you have and don't worry about keeping up with blogging. I've had many bloggers just stop blogging. I can only assume that they are enjoying their real life, so I don't hold it against them. Thanks for stopping by my expat blog. Nowadays, I take more photos than I blog with words, so that blog, http://myworldthrumycameralens.blogspot.com/, is much more active.

  2. Thank you, Betty! You are so right, though I do hope to continue to write now and again. I'm currently enjoying reading other expat blogs just to learn about the world and how the experience is for others. Your expat blog particularly resonated with me, and I'll also look forward to perusing your photos.
