12 March 2011

Lifting Fog

Having achieved a solid week of uninterrupted dry and sunny days in Cumbria (a feat in itself apparently this time of year!), the rain has returned, but with it, a fresh perspective. 

Being cooped up this long winter with inclement weather and time to think (and being dependent upon A for transportation) has certainly bred more than a few moments of self-doubt. Will I ever learn my way around or be comfortable driving here?  Will I really be able to find new friendships, a niche, a life here?  This kind of speculative diffidence is an easy trap to fall into when a formerly independent career girl finds herself essentially marooned for the winter in a cold, damp, and foreign land.  However, just as winter always gives way to spring, so in time my own fog eventually lifts. 

From what I’ve gleaned from others who have trodden this path before, it seems this trail contains well-defined pitfalls and known difficulties, but eventually leads to a point where things start to ‘click’ and life makes sense again.

While I haven’t solved all of my aforementioned riddles concerning driving, friendships, et al, and have miles to go before I do, I can suddenly see the possibilities and have ventured a little further up the road.  As spring is ushered in, the fields are filling with lambs and my calendar is filling with more activity.  I’m meeting new people, nurturing existing friendships, soon signing up for driving lessons for improved mobility, and more. 

Instead of hurrying to check the hurdles off the list ... now that I can see for miles, I’m going to relish the journey there and enhance it as I go. 

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