09 October 2010

Homeless, jobless, carless, countryless ... so why am I smiling?

A few short days ago, having just dismantled my apartment, given away, stored, shipped, and/or otherwise packed up my belongings, I stood in the airport waiting to board my flight when it occurred to me that for all of my ambitions and achievements through the years, I was at that moment officially homeless ... jobless ... car-less ... country-less (in a manner of speaking).  I was feeling a bit displaced, a bit nervous, but nonetheless very excited and happy.  On paper I may be a bit less than impressive in status now, but in actuality I'm thrilled!  Our journey begins here ... now that I've joined A in the UK!  

The actual journey wasn't without its bumps.  I managed to acquire a rather unpleasant cold mid-flight and by the time of landing was miserable.  Our flight was significantly delayed and we missed our ground transport from the airport.  It was cold and damp, and we were laden with more luggage than I ever care to carry again!  We are eternally grateful to our friends and neighbors who ended up packing us and our considerable luggage along with theirs like sardines into their station wagon estate and driving us the no less considerable distance home.   Home.    Home!   I still can't believe this is now home.  

I wonder how long it will be before it stops feeling like I'm merely on vacation holiday?  

Hopefully I'll always feel a little this way ... !


  1. Weclome 'home', hope you settle in very quickly, don't ever lose that American-ness though. Sorry about the cold.

    Hugs RosieP x

  2. Welcome to the UK!!! Sorry about the cold, do hope some tea and crumpets will help you feel better soon.

  3. Never! never!!! I've lived abroad for over nine years now, and still wake up feeling like I'm on 'holiday'. :)
