10 July 2010


A sometimes likes to comment on my blog entries.

He doesn't post his comments *on* the blog; that would be too revealing, perhaps - though it's nice to know he's reading it.

He definitely had a comment to make on my latest entry about his favorite new i-toy. It wasn’t his usual, thoughtful compliment or commentary. Not ‘I liked your latest blog entry’ or ‘funny’ or ‘well written’ or any such luck. No. The first words out of A’s mouth upon reading this most recent contemplation of A’s enthusiasm for Apple things was:

“‘i-pad is spelled with a small i”.


(further highlighting our technological disconnect).

1 comment:

  1. Lol he's sounds very much like my man....he is always correcting me on the way I somtimes pronounce things!Have a lovely week.

    Karen (with a capital K)xxx
