Some of you might know I’m currently recovering from surgery. Nothing I care to discuss much. Not the point of this blog entry. Nothing earth shattering… nothing to worry about. Just rather painful and taking some time to heal up. All is well.
Recovering too from the best week I’ve had in a long time in spite of having to have surgery at the end of it.
To that end, and on a lighter note - what do you get when two Scotsmen who have known each other since childhood (and are practically brothers though they’d protest) come to visit a Midwest gal for a week? Gales of laughter and total immersion in British humour. I wouldn’t trade it for anything!
A made a last minute decision to come spend a week with me with the incredibly sweet intention of looking after me leading up to and immediately following my medical procedure. His best friend (and best man at our upcoming nuptials) J decided to use a week of leave and come along as well.
For the first part of the week, I had to work so the guys were on their own during the day. They managed to find plenty of mischief… er… “fun activities” to occupy their time. They found their way to an Amish community, a surprisingly good air and space exhibit, and other historical and cultural attractions unique to Kansas.
On one of their outings, J took a series of photographs of a ‘living’ historical museum which has preserved structures and a way of life out of Kansas’ humble beginnings.
Of course, J plans to tell all the people back home that this is where I live… where A and I will be married… etc. (!) Little will those unsuspecting good people of Scotland know that we HAVE actually managed to acquire electricity, indoor plumbing, and horseless carriages in recent years.
On another subject… after careful observation I have formulated a small list of things I’ve decided must be inherent in the male genetic code: 1) If the gadget has a button a man will push it to see what happens. 2) A man will die for his best friend but would rarely admit it and instead will communicate in a barrage of playful insults and competitive one-upmanship. 3) If the unsuspecting woman in close proximity can be wound up, she will be! 4) One Scotsman can be funny. Two together can be hilarious. 5) New technology makes them salivate.
I did take a marvelous day off preceding my surgery. We spent a perfectly beautiful, sunny, breezy day at the zoo. I think I fell in love with the wallaroos, and particularly enjoyed seeing the Andean bears and meerkats but there were too many wonderful creatures there to name.

In all, it was a really nice week. I was very happy to spend time with A, and I enjoyed getting to know A’s best mate.
Things are strangely quiet here now…
I’m not sure I prefer it
miss you, A…
Sounds like you had a good laugh, even if you were recuperating!! That really is the best medicine!! Hope you are on the mend!!!
Hope all is well, friend! Sounds like a lovely visit...just what the doctor ordered!