Today I was particularly recalling family gatherings of years gone by. There are a lot of things I miss – mainly time with my grandparents. One set of grandparents had a farm and I can remember some great summer gatherings there. My other set of grandparents used to have us over for a ‘cookout’ (barbeque) on their back porch replete with my grandmother’s homemade blueberry pie.
This year is bittersweet as I have been marking each passing ‘holiday’ or ‘observance’ as my last one while still residing locally with family. This is not to say that I’ll always miss out. I fully plan to visit and participate, but I also know that there will be those gatherings which I miss out on geographically.
I was discussing my feelings with A today and describing the years of traditions and get-togethers and the things which I do and will miss. He suggested that perhaps it would do my heart good to continue to observe each American holiday or tradition while together in the UK. While I can’t re-create days gone by or replace the presence of family and old friends, I agree it would mean a lot to continue to find special ways of our own to mark these occasions.
I wonder what my new British family-in-law (to be), friends, and/or acquaintances would think about sharing an occasional Thanksgiving meal, or July 4 barbeque, and the like with A and I? While I can never hope to exactly replicate my grandmother’s homemade blueberry pie – it might be fun and meaningful to share a bit of my heritage as I embrace a bit of theirs.
Extending my heartfelt thanks to all who serve and have served. Extending my deepest sympathies to families who have lost loved ones and who grieve during this time. Wishing many happy returns to those families celebrating this weekend. Remembering my own loved ones living and departed.

Looking forward also to new beginnings, friendships, and traditions…